European beech -- you choose all reason

The Latin name of European beech is Fagus sylvatica, it is one of the main tree species in Europe furniture for a long time. It is precisely because of multi function universal European beech, lasting weather resistance, and excellent machining performance, the European beech is well known in the world.
The European beech with elegant texture, color the tree consistent, mechanical processing performance is excellent and extensive surface treatment process, it is not difficult to understand why the European architects and designers will have a soft spot for European beech stands.
European beech -- infinite possibility
European beech beautiful based texture, consistent color, European beech has extensive application. Beech products take into account not only the surface texture and elegant, and has good strength and durability.
Compared with the red oak lack of generality, hard maple is and step back price, European beech with fresh style. More and more consumers are beginning to understand the importance of sustainable development of natural resources, architects, designers and management will continue to search for environmental protection, can replace the tropical hardwood and endangered tree material. No doubt, the European beech can be very good to meet these conditions.
The European beech is one of the most important hardwood Europe, at the same time lasted for many years ranked first exports, the reasons are as follows:
Excellent physical properties
Elegant color for surface coloring widely and other processing technology
Environmental protection and sustainable management of tree species, the long-term practice, guarantee can be based on market demand, to provide sustained and stable supply.
The value of Technology
If compare with other European beech hardwood, has obvious advantages

The huge difference in the actual work is not representative of wood classification and basic properties of wood. This table provides a relative comparison basis. For all species, many properties of wood because of the geography and local conditions, the corresponding performance will be different. Because wood is a natural product, so some properties and characteristics will change.
Processing properties
When the producers choose hardwood, usually choose those easy processing, easy to crack, surface treatment of diversity of wood. European beech wood because of its excellent processing performance and be the world factory and approval.
As shown in the table below, illustrates the European beech in eat glue, nail holding ability, anti cracking, surface performance in terms of performance. In the 5 most important processing performance, compared with the other European beech hardwood continues in the indexes above, gained high appraisal. Europe not only can easily achieve design performance and value, designed to reflect the aesthetic feeling, also can simplify machining process.

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